Subota uoči nedjelje u kojoj Hrvatska bira predsjednika, protječe s vrlo malo dojava o kršenju izborne šutnje koja je na snazi od subote u ponoć do nedjelje u 19 sati kada se zatvaraju biračka mjesta. “Imamo jako malo […] Objava DIP zasad nema puno dojava o kršenju šutnje: ‘Bilo je slanja SMS poruka, blokirali smo te brojeve’ pojavila se prvi puta na Novi list.
The main idea of the article is that the Data Protection Inspectorate (DIP) in Croatia has received few reports of violations of the hush rule during the presidential election campaign.
The article mentions that there were some instances of people sending SMS messages that were potentially in violation, but these were dealt with swiftly by blocking the offending phone numbers.
The main idea of the article is that the Data Protection Inspectorate (DIP) in Croatia has received few reports of violations of the hush rule during the presidential election campaign. The article mentions that there were some instances of people sending SMS messages that were potentially in violation, but these were dealt with swiftly by blocking the offending phone numbers.